Colorado is ready for a a world class managed services company.
By now, you're probably familiar with an IT outsourced model. It takes many different forms and, historically speaking, involved software development and support overseas. However, over the last 5 years, the US and specifically the Colorado market has seen the growth of hosting and colocation companies (or Infrastructure as a Service- IaaS) 'hockey stick', as they say, to levels where even the bankers want in on the action.
So why is Colorado ready for a world class managed services company? Simply put because it needs to. The down economy is fostering more and more creative business needs and models that are perfectly suited to off-load on a service provider like Latisys and others.
Some perspective, first.
Virtually everything has a core function that never changes no matter how drastic its variables change. As an example; capitalism. The dictionary will explain it as an economic system in which the means of production on and so forth. Well, from capitalists perspective; the true nature of capitalism functions, on 3 things: Improvement, speed to market and a cheaper means of production, or "better, faster & cheaper" as my colleagues and customers have heard me drone on about the last year.
So, why the economic perspective? Well, because we're involved in a time where companies who figure out how to create a better product, get it to market faster and find a way to create it cheaper than the other guy will win the race; or at least until they get out done (i.e. mobile phones) in the next generation.
Which leads me to why I think Colorado, needs to assess how are they building their information technology strategy in the "new normal" economy. Colorado companies are facing tough economic times because of national and local economics. This is why companies need to explore transformative approaches, products and most importantly services from companies that focus on information technology outsourcing.
Here are my 3 keys:
Key 1: Use someone else's Capital : isolate elements in your IT portfolio that are up for refresh or need upgrades. However, due diligence on the financial health of the company is paramount.
Key 2: Dump the data center: Here's the thing, most companies produce or create services that have nothing to do with managing generators, or managing power usage effectiveness (PUE). Leave that to the experts because they build best practices, better change management and their dollars are invested, 100%, in building data centers better than your CFO is willing to spend.
Key 3: Roadmaps are not just for vacations: There's alot to be said about a roadmap. Its provides direction for the future trip- you know where you're going. Service providers are there to invest in future technologies that you may not need today, but will most certainly need to be using in the future.
So, Colorado companies, its up to you to embrace new approaches to your IT portfolio questions. If your business/product has NOTHING to do with managing servers, cooling units, network switches or power generators; SERIOUSLY, but strategically look at Infrastructure as a Service companies in Colorado. There's no reason you should manage those when you're trying to build the next 'widget' better, faster or cheaper than the other guy.
Bryan, I am talking with Colorado small businesses all the time and because they are working so hard just to survive, they often don't know that the paradigm for infrastructure is changing. When they find out that they can upgrade to the latest Microsoft technologies with very little upfront capital by subscription hosting, they are excited. They wonder why no one has told them about these new hosting models before. So it is an education game at the moment.
Mike Webb
Alinco IT